------------- curtain opens and music begins and all ----------
First thing, description of my day, cuz it's sooo totally important.
I woke up this morning, dead. Hey, I'd been sleeping for like 15 hours, it was allowed. Went to math. Wrote an essay, and made my hand hurt in History. *woe* No idea wtf we did in LA, I have majorly short term memory. Oh, wait, I knowz. We went to the library. And when I found out that I was going to be the Spartan woman for our skit, and read only the part where it said Spartan women ran around naked in google search......I burst out with, " I'm not running around naked for the class!". So ya. Poor you.
Uhm, sat and listened in Chem. Realized I've lost my Periodic Table, which, shit, reminds me, I need to go print those out.
Lunch. Oh, what I have to say about lunch.
I totally love how we're all dividing ourselves up into cliques. *Not*
I have something against cliques, sorry. I like to be able to float between them all.
Anyways, somehow in a month, I've managed to use up 18 dollars, just buying cookies, and lunch....like 3 times. *fryingpans self*
I passed by that girl, that was wearing a TH shirt yesterday, several times, showcasing my TH shirt. I should have said something yesterday. Now I feel like a stalker.
I had cookies again today, now I officially hate them. Wrong kinda chocolate.
5th period was retarded. I used an irregular verb, because I couldn't think of a regular -er verb, and I conjugated the irregular correctly. Me suck. I can't believe I couldn't think comer.
6th was boring. We sat there. And I'm getting fucking sick of those songs. Cum Sancto Spiritu was fun though. I love new pieces. That are not rounds. Rawr.
7th! Hehe, I decided to wear my TH shirt in Gym, just cuz I love it sooo much.
And we did yoga. Have I mentioned I used to do yoga every single morning....then I stopped? Anyways, so it was easy, but lifting up my leg behind me in "downward dog" was soo awkward, as I was unsure, whether people could see up my shorts. I have weird thoughts.
After school, went to tutorial, and I was browsing the small teeny tiny section of fiction they have at the IHS library, and I found a book, that was quite interesting. Here's the quoted summary....Shit, the book is not in my room. One sec. *disappears*.
*appears* BACK! You better have missed me.
Ohkay, so quoting from the back of the book, and yes, I did check this book out, simply for the laughs. And because I want to see what happens. And sadly, this made me laugh so hard, I ended up crying. Is it mean, that I want to read it to see if the main character dies?
"When Rohan became the new prince of the Desert, ruler of the kingdom granted his family for as long as the Long Sands spewed fire, he took the crown with two goals in mind. Fist and foremost, he sought to bring permanent pecae to his world of divided princedomes, realms hovering always on the brink of war. And, in a land where dragon-slaying was a proof of manhood, Rohan was the sole champion of the dragons, fighting desperately to preserve the last remaining lords of the sky and with them a secret which might be the salvation of his people.....
Sioned, who was fated by Fire to be Rohan's bride, had mastered the magic of sunlight and moonglow, catching hints of a yet to be formed pattern which could irrecovably affect the destinies of Sunrunners and oridinary mortals alike. Yet caught in the machinations of the Lady of Goddess Keepp, and of Prince Rohan and his sworn enermy, the treacherously cunning High Prince, could Sioned alter this cruical pattern to protect her lord from the menace of a war that threatened to set the land ablaze?"
So....someone tell me, who's Sioned? *evil*
Hehe, and I came home.....read the book for a while, simply cuz I read fantasy a lot, but haven't been doing so since school started and it was pissing me off, cuz I missed reading it instead of realistic fiction, no matter how much I love reading about dramatic rape cases that make my head spin......(will introduce this book later). But now I feel sorry, for Rohan...the book one. *Does not want book one to die*
Ohhh, then I went to dance class.
And I was....amazing. *this never happens*
I danced well! Like wow, I didn't know I could dance so well!
And, during the expression part, apparently, I got the mesmerized by a guy part perfect. Finally. Makes you wonder what exactly I was thinking about at that moment, that made it work? :D
So yes, now I'm at home, chatting with friends about butts, someone and their ahem, fryingpanning friends for being overly perverted.
Them: "It's hotter if Tom's hands are holding the guitar."
Me: "Even better if he's humping it?"
Them: " He should be humping me."
Oh dear. Anyways, let's go back to innocent virginal me.
Now that you've been through my day, and I'm surprised if you've lasted this far, because I've been typing for over an hour, though, I've been interrupted tons... *glares*
Thoughts time:
Mitch knows bout this one.
Is it kidnapping if one knows about it beforehand and is not entirely reluctant? Example would be, me being abducted from somewhere and being dragged off to homecoming? Puzzling.
Why is it that Sappho's poetry was considered so amazing, that she was on scale with Homer? Here's an example. Translated, but still.....
"Although they are
only breath, words
which I command
are immortal "
- Sappho
So yes, wow. I'm totally amazed. *rolls eyes*
I'm listening to NeverShoutNever atm, Lovers Love, Liars Lie is playing......I like the tune.
Sorriez, Zingy, MCR cd still has not graced my ears with it's golden notes.
Oh, I was pissed at Tokio Hotel's management today. But it seems minor now. Just me getting mad about them scheduling yet another thing in Cali, just a signing, but they're going out of their way to do a signing in an area where they've had 5 concerts at least total, and who knows how many signings already, 3 of those concerts and most of those signings being just two months ago.
*shutting up now* I already screamed about it.
Oh shit. It just hit me, that if they're going to have a signing in Phoenix this Saturday, they must either already be here, or already packing....
It's a totally different feeling to realize that they're in the same timezone as you, when you're used to staying up till 5 am to get news of their concerts, live.
Ahhhh, topic change, but I'm so freaking excited about Super Wednesday. I love having no school, but still socializing there. I'm weird that way.
Almost done, I promise, this is getting wayy too long. But I was wondering if one could become anorexic without realizing it. I've been eating less and less, without realizing it...and it took getting nauseous yesterday, and Zingy joking about telling my parents I'm anorexic to realize how much less I've been eating. So yes, ate a lot more today. Ohkayz, done now.
Luffoo all, simply for getting thru that, I don't think I could have done it.

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