I think I officially just died.
And I don't care if I sound exactly like what I am. Complete and utter fangirl.
Who just got killed by a picture.
So....Bill's new tattoo has been a mystery....since that girl glimpsed it for a few seconds at a concert...and since he was asked about it...and said that he did actually have a new one, it had taken four hours to do, it was huge...and that no, he wasn't going to show it, because he'd have to take all his clothes off to do so. Yes, I know that was a run-on sentence, but my grammar is failing me here at the moment.
Anyways, I love Dezz.
She was nice enough to save the pic....and decipher what it meant for me.
I present to you, the pic. Skinny has never looked so good, to quote a friend of mine. Oh, and all the pics in this are clickable. They get BIG.
And gah, you can't read that properly.....
But it says:
Wir hören nie auf zu schreien -Wir kehren zum Ursprung zurück.The wiggly part is the wir kehren zum....
And it means, according to Dezz:
something along the lines of 'we'll never stop screaming. We're going back to our roots'
Anyways. I have mixed feeling about it. It's gorgeous. Meaningful, yet again. But I wasn't expecting anything else from Bill. But...he's gotten one every single year...since the first one on his neck. And they've progressively grown larger.
See below, in order, the other three tattoos. His hair progressively also changes, not that you can tell in all of these. :P
Neck tattoo
Originally uploaded by tuckle
This one above is the TH logo. Supposedly, as soon as the logo was made, he went and got his first tattoo as the logo. This was before the band released their first single and became all successful, so he was taking a risk...even if they died utterly, he was showing how much he believed in their band and how much it meant to him.
Luckily, they succeeded in becoming big. And so that tattoo holds a ton of important memories.
bill star nancy
Originally uploaded by tuckle
Originally uploaded by tuckle
No idea about the meaning behind the star. I don't think I ever found out. *hides* I'm a bad fan.
This last one says freheit 89, btw. Which means freedom 89. The story behind this one, is that Bill got this for his 18th birthday...and the freedom that comes with that age is what he's referring to. 89 was his birth year. *nods*
So yes, fourth tattoo now...and I'm kinda scared he's going to keep on going. I love his tattoos...but it's hard to get used to the idea of that fourth one...and well. Perhaps I think he's going to overdo it if he does get more? Like, more small ones, ya, all good. But bigger? *shakes head* Please, bb. Stop now?
And I'm not entirely sure I like this one either. It's...invasive. Kind of. But he wanted something big. So I guess I'll get used to it eventually. And accept it. Won't necessarily adore it though. I wonder what the story behind it is? I mean it's not like he...revealed this one on purpose...so there is no background to it. And it's kinda invading his privacy. *hides*
Now I feel guilty. Meh.
1 comment:
he's a pretty boyyy
but I like his face better than his body. D:
Unfortunately for my parents, Auzin is one of those girls who loves tattoos on guys. And piercings. The more the merrier, unless you're Gerard. XD
Especially when their arms are coveredddd o3o
Omg remind me to show you that pic of Chase's tattoos! You know, Alex Mckee's bf. They are SO COLORFUL OMG LOL.
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